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Future holiday homes are equipped with amenities – without environmental impact

Photo: Getty Images

People are becoming more vigilant and want solutions for their holiday homes that do not burden nature.

Through changes in recent years, lot of work is done with distance work in holiday homes. Increased use of holiday homes and cottages has marked a interest in sustainable technical solutions for more amenities in the cottage. The property’s total wastewater load is mostly generated by toilet waste – choosing an environmental toilet is a big step towards a more sustainable holiday home.

Odorless, easy-care eco-solutions

Raita Environment has been developing environmental technology since the 1950s and especially greywater systems, composters and environmental toilets are popular both nationally and internationally. The Biotoalet series has options for both indoor and indoor use. Raita’s Biotoilets are exactly what you need in the holiday home for increased comfort.

In addition to their environmental friendliness, Biotoilets are hygienic, odorless and easy to maintain. According to Ilkka Raida, CEO of Raita Environment, it is good to consider how toilet waste is treated:

– Emptying sludge into the environment is not allowed and moving the waste to the treatment plant will be expensive. It is best for the environment if the nutrients can be returned to the surrounding area and thus keep the nutrient cycle in balance.

In addition to the Biotoilet, it is advisable to purchase a gray water filter. The BioBox filter effectively purifies water, after which it can be safely discharged into the environment. There are no operating costs, as the electric, BioBox does not use peat or moss, and maintenance is effortless: 

– The filters are cleaned once a year, the filter elements are replaced every 10-15 years. The devices are small in size and designed for their uses, such as cottages and holiday homes.

The third popular product, suitable for the balcony, the yard of a terraced house and the cottage, is the composter. Ilkka Raita mentions that, especially in holiday homes, the sorting and composting of biowaste effectively removes odors from garbage bags. He sums it up:

– Our products bring the comfort of a holiday home without straining the environment and make cottage life easier in terms of waste and sewage in many ways.

Wondering what kind of environmentally friendly solution would be right for your cottage? Specialists in environmental technology at Raita Environment, which develops and manufactures greywater and mixed waste treatment plants and environmental toilets and composts, will be happy to work with you on the right solution for you.

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