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Etusivu » In English » Sponsored » 6 reasons why a co-treatment plant is the most cost effective solution for wastewater treatment
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6 reasons why a co-treatment plant is the most cost effective solution for wastewater treatment

The co-treatment plant is well suited for sparsely populated villages and agglomerations. It is profitable option already in a few economic agglomerations, the largest destinations are thousands of residents villages / towns.

1. Inexpensive and efficient wastewater treatment

The investing and operating costs of the co – treatment plant are a fraction compared for connecting to a larger size central treatment plant – it is also considerably cheaper than stand-alone ones property-specific cleaning systems.

2. Purification relults are high

The purification results corresponds large urban treatment plants.

3. The impact to the environment low

The total environmental impact however, is significantly lower due to wastewater transfer distances are shorter and in the disscharge the point load is smaller.

4. Remote controll and monitoring

Treatment plants are equipped with remote monitoring, in which case activity is monitored automatically.

5. Also units for rental

We also supply “container treatment plants” where all or part of the technology is placed inside the container. They can also be obtained temporary need or more difficult installaling objects.

6. Service and maintenance services

Purifiers are always delivered including commisioning and training for the users. Our maintenance services are comprehensive including regular maintenance and also, if necessary, a treatment plant maintenance.

7. Design and installation services

Delivery often also includes design and installation services. Remote mapping is free.

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